Simple Advice on How to Create an Outstanding Law Dissertation Proposal

Before starting your law dissertation you need to write a clear and direct proposal for your advisor, telling him or her exactly what you plan on researching and how you will go about doing so. It’s a chance to show that you have conducted some pre-research, have thought about the readings you will have to do and a clear view of what it is you want to accomplish. Here’s some simple advice on how to create an outstanding law dissertation proposal for your graduate project:

Dissertation Title

This should only be a draft of a title, but you still want to give it enough thought so that it clearly demonstrates what your work will be about. Make the title short and get right to the point so that your advisor doesn’t have to do a lot of guesswork.

Planned Objectives

This section is where you list out your objectives in a few short sentences. Aim to have at least three direct objectives, since at this point your research project is probably too broad and still needs to be focused to a clear area of study.

Literature Review

When writing this you want to make sure that you mention all of the major schools of thought related to the area of your research that provides all the needed information about your dissertation. Some advisors will require you to provide specific references, so it’s a good idea to find out before getting started.


Most graduate projects in the law discipline will be non-empirical, where most of the research is based off of already published works and case studies. This means that the methodologies section will be smaller than the other sections of the proposal. Find out all that is required to be sure that you cover the minimum.

Expected Results

The final section of the main text is where you state your potential outcomes for the study. You want to express why your work is important to the field, and what it is you hope to accomplish personally and professionally. You should also provide some insight on future work and intended audience.


The last section is the bibliography where you provide a complete list of the literature you plan on using. This is helpful to your advisor because he or she can provide you with recommendations in helping you thoroughly study your topic in the highest academic sense.
