Dissertation writing help: what do you need to do before starting your paper?

Just like any other big project, a dissertation can come together much easier when a foundation is laid first. This foundation consists of several important tasks that should be completed before you even begin to write. What if you had a template or a step by step procedure outlining exactly what to do? This useful thesis paper writing guide prepared by our research fellows together with ThesisGeek writing experts will help the entire process flow more smoothly. If that’s what you’re searching for, you’ve come to the right place.

Steps to take before you begin your paper

Start early enough to give you plenty of time. Don’t procrastinate. Too many graduate students lament about not having started sooner. Now is the time to do something about it. Get your preparations complete and then begin as soon as you can.

The idea stage is where many students stumble and fall. They wish their advisor would just give them a topic so they can get started. They don’t want to have to choose it themselves. However, the process of choosing your own topic is one of the areas you grow and learn, so it’s important. Some suggestions for coming up with your own topic are:

  1. 1. Draw from your own interests. What motivates you? What do you find exciting or intriguing?
  2. 2. Tap into your current knowledge or topics you are familiar with and can successfully write about. These may seem too obvious but are actually really great choices.
  3. 3. Accessibility of research materials – you may want to avoid obscure topics requiring you to visit special collections to get the background information you need.
  4. 4. Play to your strengths. Would you rather search literature or analyze data? Do you prefer qualitative or quantitative analysis?

Planning the entire project from start to finish, as precisely as possible. This is easy to do in hindsight, but not so simple the first time around. Here are the things to remember to include in your schedule:

  1. 1.Time to conduct research, do interviews, statistical analysis, tabulating your results
  2. 2. Traveling to different libraries if necessary; visiting museums and traveling to interviewees
  3. 3. Writing all the content for your paper including introduction, body, conclusion, all the chapters, table of contents, abstract, tables and figures, and reference list
  4. 4. Proof-reading and binding your manuscript

Making your schedule and getting the planning for each step of your paper in place is entirely up to you. You won’t be handed a schedule and told to keep it. This gives you the freedom to fit things in where they fit best. Estimate the time you think it will take to do each thing on your list. Then space each task out on your calendar in order to allow enough time to complete each one. Use a goal system. Set a goal at the beginning of each week and have a firm grasp on how much you intend to accomplish before the end of the week.

Gather all necessary equipment and supplies. Have a nice quiet corner for working so you have everything you need in one place and you don’t have too many distractions. You will probably need such things as a computer, printer, pens and paper, books and research materials. When you are sitting down for long periods of time to work, day after day, you probably should invest in a comfortable chair.

Pre-plan your research carefully and which methods you are going to use. It takes time to make sure everything is set up for interviews. You may have questionnaires to make and hand out and then analyze the data when it comes back. When your time frame involves others, you can’t always plan to your schedule alone.